It is possible to disable the OS X Finder menu option: ‘Finder ▸ Preferences’ (cmd⌘ + ,). This will prohibit setting changes in the OS X Finder application.
Delete the hiding Dock Delay in OS X
You can choose to hide/show the Dock automatically. This has a default speed to display the dock. You can speed it up with a defaults write command. This command removes the delay from when a cursor is hovered near the Dock. It doesn’t change the animation speed of the dock, only the response to the cursor.
How to reset the DNS cache in OS X
OS X always keeps a local cache of resolved DNS queries (IP address) for future reference. But sometimes it may be necessary to clear (flush) the cache. You can do this with a terminal command, this will refresh the local DNS cache.
Disable full screen animation of OS X.
You can view windows full screen in many applications, this means that the application window uses the entire screen. But the animation is slow and is too long. You can disable the animation with the following command. Launch Terminal and enter the following command.
Disable ‘Stay on front’ for OSX help windows
When opening the help window in OS X, the window will always open and stays on the front. This can be very frustrating, so you can use the following command in Terminal to get the help-center window behave like all other windows in OS X.
E-mail photos from iPhoto with the mail application
When you send an image from iPhoto through an email, you can do this with the built-in mail function. Here you must use the email templates. With the following command you can disable this behavior and send pictures through the mail application and immediately create a new message.
Disable the Mission Control zoom effect in Mac OS X
Turn off Mission Control’s zoom effect that appear whenever it’s activated or deactivated in OS X 10.7 and above.