It’s possible to place OS X Dock in the left or right side corner of the screen with this hidden defaults write command. After applying the command you should restart the Dock. Use one of the following commands:
Disable the send-mail tone in OS X Mail application
When sending an e-mail in the standard OS X Mail application a swoosh tone will be played. This tone cannot be disabled through the standard mail settings. With the following defaults write command you can disable the sound.
Setup a size limit for Time Machine backup volumes
Time Machine will standard use all the available disk space on an external drive or a external server volume. You can setup a limit how much disk space Time Machine may use. Use this defaults write Terminal command:
Stop Safari creating favicon caches
Safari stores favicons in a database named ‘WebpageIcons.db’ located in the folder: ~/Library/Safari/Icons. It is possible to disable the creation of this database with the following command:
Activate element inspector in the Mac App store
In the Mac App Store is a hidden element inspector available that lets you view the source of any page or element. It is possible to extract text or images, and adding your own code through the console option.
Enable momentum scrolling for Magic Mouse
The Mouse System Preferences pane does not include an option to enable momentum scrolling. The setting is a hidden preference. Use following command in Terminal to enable momentum scrolling.
Enable spring loaded Dock items
Spring-loaded Dock items are supposed to save you time by allowing you to drag a file over the folder/icon. Hover it for a few seconds and the application/folder will open. Use the following command to enable these feature: