If the 3D Dock isn’t your taste, you can use Terminal to switch to the 2D visual implementation.
Disable ‘Empty trash’ options in OS X Finder
Disable the menu option: ‘Empty trash’ and ‘Secure Empty trash’ in the Mac OS X Finder menubar and command + click trash contextual menu.
Disable “Go to folder” in OS X
The Go To Folder command is the most useful features in the OS X Finder. If you want to lock down a Mac a bit more than usual, you can disable the Go To Folder menu option and keyboard shortcut using a defaults write command: defaults write com.apple.finder ProhibitGoToFolder -bool true To make the command take effect, you need to restart the Finder. killall Finder Revert to the default setting: defaults write com.apple.finder ProhibitGoToFolder -bool false Restart Finder
Add a message to the login screen
The login screen of OS X by default only shows the computer name. It is however possible to add a message or warning to the login screen. Use following command to do this.
Disable support for radio stations (streams) in iTunes
Disable support for Radio Station (streams) within iTunes 7.1+. After applying this command the option ‘Radio’ will disappear in the navigation bar and the Advanced menu options.
Disable ‘Connect to server’ menu option in OS X Finder
Disable the menu option: ‘Go ▸ Connect to server…’ (cmd⌘ + K) in the Mac OS X Finder menubar.
Change default Mac OS X screencapture file type
Specify what file format you want to use for your screenshots (shift⇧ + cmd⌘ + 3) under Mac OS X. Th default format is .png, there are a lot of additional file formats available: png, pdf, tiff, pict, jpg, bmp, gif, psd, sgi and tga.