If you want some extra privacy, it’s possible to disable te resume function in Safari. After applying the command Safari will not remember the opened windows which where open at time of closing.
Set safari activity view collapsed by default
The Safari activity window can be useful for finding resources in a web page. With a lot of pages open, it shows too much information by default, as each web page’s disclosure triangle is expanded. To make the Activity window open with all sites collapsed by default, close Safari and type:
Enable the general iTunes Library
In iTunes 6 and earlier, the iTunes navigation-bar contained a Library playlist that listed all the audio and video in your iTunes library. iTunes 7 removed this, and segmented the library into various libraries (e.g Music, Movies, TV Shows).
Disable ‘Resume’ system-wide
Resume is one of the main feature since OS X 10.7 Lion. It’s a system-wide feature that allowing you to immediately get back to the exact state of the app even when system reboots. Use the following command to disable it. defaults write NSGlobalDomain NSQuitAlwaysKeepsWindows -bool false Restart your Mac or logout/in to make the changes appear. The commands can be reversed with the command: defaults write NSGlobalDomain NSQuitAlwaysKeepsWindows -bool true
Disable auto-correction in OS X
Apple implemented a lighter version of Auto-Correction to OS X. Perhaps it’s causing more problems than it’s helping, here’s how to disable it. Use the following command: defaults write NSGlobalDomain NSAutomaticSpellingCorrectionEnabled -bool false Restart your Mac or logout/in to make the changes appear. defaults write NSGlobalDomain NSAutomaticSpellingCorrectionEnabled -bool true
Disable the Dock animations
Disable all Dock animations when opening an application from the Dock. Use the following OS X Terminal command:
iTunes: Enable half star ratings
iTunes allows users to rate songs from 1 to 5 stars. For more precise ratings, enable the half-star rating option in iTunes. Very useful when a song is not quite worth 4 stars but not 5 stars either. Close iTunes and use the following defaults write command: