Disable the Podcast functionality within iTunes. After applying this command the options will disappear in the navigation bar (Store section) and all other menu options within iTunes v7.1 and above.
iTunes: Disable the use of plugins
Disable the use of plugins within iTunes. After applying this command active plugins will be disabled and all other menu options referring to plugin related options will not show up.
Enable iTunes high contrast mode
If you are using iTunes in bright light conditions the iTunes screen could be hard to read. Instead of activating the system wide high contrast mode you can enable this feature only for iTunes. Quit iTunes and use the following command:
iTunes: Disable the Genius sidebar
iTunes contained a genius sidebar that displayed related music in the iTunes store. You can disable this sidebar with the following command:
Enable the general iTunes Library
In iTunes 6 and earlier, the iTunes navigation-bar contained a Library playlist that listed all the audio and video in your iTunes library. iTunes 7 removed this, and segmented the library into various libraries (e.g Music, Movies, TV Shows).
iTunes: Enable half star ratings
iTunes allows users to rate songs from 1 to 5 stars. For more precise ratings, enable the half-star rating option in iTunes. Very useful when a song is not quite worth 4 stars but not 5 stars either. Close iTunes and use the following defaults write command:
Enable iTunes notifications in the Dock
The iTunes Dock icon can be set to display a “Now Playing” song and artist pop-up that transitions in and out and music starts. Use the following Command: